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Home Degrees Integrative Human Biology Minor

Integrative Human Biology Minor

Curriculum for the Integrative Human Biology Minor
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Integrative Human Biology (IHB) is a field that integrates the biological and behavioral sciences as they apply to Homo sapiens. The IHB minor consists of courses in human form and function, human evolution and biological variation, human behavior, and the roles humans play in local and global ecosystems. The aim is to provide students with the background they will need as professionals in the 21st-century health sciences and many other fields that engage directly with aspects of human adaptation and welfare.

The minor consists of seven courses (four core and three electives) distributed across the following four areas. Students will take one core course in each of these four areas and three electives from at least two of them. At least four of the courses taken for the minor must be at the upper division level (3000 or above). All courses must be passed with a grade of “C” or higher. Students majoring in biology or anthropology may "double-count" courses for their major and for the IHB minor.

[ 1 ] Hominin Evolution and Genetics
[ 2 ] Human Form and Function
[ 3 ] Evolution of Human Behavior and Culture
[ 4 ] Human Ecology and Environment

In the course worksheet below, note that courses listed as core courses but not taken to satisfy the core requirement will also qualify as electives.

More information here.

Please see the IHB advisors for further information.
Advisor: Anthropology: Shawn W. Carlyle, Ph.D.
801-213-1141 GC 2455 (Gardner Commons);
Schedule appointment here.

Warning: requirements can change without notice. Please check with an advisor for up to date information.