Research Facilities
In addition to Centers and Field Stations, the School of Biological Sciences provides access to a wide array of facilities and resources that enhance research and educational opportunities. The School itself resides in a complex of biology and science buildings on main campus near President’s Circle.
DNA Sequencing Facility
The School of Biological Sciences obtained an Illumina MiSeq high-throughput DNA sequencing device, along with an Agilent Tapestation (for sequencing library QC) in 2020, courtesy of a Research Infrastructure Award from the office of the Vice President for Research. This equipment is located in the Crocker Science Center and information pertaining to its use can be obtained from Dr. Colin Dale or Dr. James Gagnon. This instrument is not intended to supplant the use of the excellent core sequencing facilities at the University but rather to provide a platform for implementation of edge-case or experimental sequencing procedures that are not typically supported by core or commercial services.
Advanced Microscopy Facility & Electron Microscopy Core Laboratory
The Advanced Microscopy Facility- external site and Electron Microscopy Core Laboratory- external site provide access to instruments, provides access to instruments for electron microscopy, light and fluorescence microscopy, and confocal microscopy, and is available to users from throughout the University. Preparatory equipment includes microtomes, an automatic tissue processor, a plunge freezing device, and a high pressure freezer. Training and help with problem solving is provided. Visit Advanced-Microscopy website.
Erik Jorgensen SBS Faculty Director, Advanced Microscopy Facility
David M. Belnap Director, Campus Electron Microscopy Core
Xiang Wang Director, Campus Fluorescence Microscopy
Titan Krios Electron Microscope
Time lapse of the installation of the ThermoFisher Scientific Titan Krios electron microscope at the University of Utah’s Crocker Science
Stable Isotope Ratio Facility for Environmental Research
SIRFER provides H, C, N, O, and S stable isotope ratio analyses on both organic and inorganic samples. We serve investigators in anthropology, biology, chemistry, ecology, geology, and medicine. SIRFER provides research support to the University of Utah community, and offers the same quality analytical services to those from outside the university.
We have a strong commitment to secondary, undergraduate, and graduate level training, ranging from one-on-one training for students who wish to conduct their own analyses to coursework support and outreach activities.
Greenhouse Facility
The School of Biological Sciences greenhouses are located on the roof of the South Biology Building. Approximately 6400 square feet of space are available for plant cultivation, with environments ranging from desert to tropical conditions. Full service including watering, fertilizing, pest control, and repotting is available for a fee. In addition to plants used in research projects, the Biology Greenhouses also contain a collection of conservatory plants used for teaching and display.
Christopher Morrow 801-585-6838
Biology Campus Buildings
For an annotated directory of the history and purpose of current biology buildings as well as other buildings that house the College of Science, check out the College of Science website.
Apply to a leading research institution, the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Utah.